Nozzle model VA-51 & VA-06

Nozzle model VA-51 & VA-06

MOSA Solution s.r.o. is sincerely Czech private company - began operating in the year 1999.

MOSA Solution s.r.o. offer the best proven technology for solving these problems:


•             For guaranteed flow of powder and bulk materials. The AIRSWEEP® system.

•             Acoustic system for cleaning technology plus flow of powdered materials.

•             To examine flow of bulk solids material in testing hopper

•             Program of “Research and Development for Innovations” - cooperating with universities.


The company is distributed to power/biomass, cement, chemical, plastics and pharmaceutical industries.




1)      Nozzle model VA-06 


Pulse nozzle, model VA-06. This type of pulse nozzle is used for smaller sized storage silos or chutes. The pulse nozzle’s effectiveness depends on the pressure of control air and an erosion area of up to 900 mm in diameter (average value) can be obtained. Air consumption is very low – approx. 14 litres per a pulse of 0.25 second.


This size of nozzle works very well in a lot of equipment; short chutes, weighing machines etc. The nozzles can be applied even for extremely wet and strongly bridging materials such as FGD gypsum.


2)      Nozzle model VA-51


Pulse nozzle, model VA-51. This type of pulse nozzle is used for large storage silos or hoppers. The pulse nozzle’s effectiveness depends on the pressure of control air and effectiveness of up to 2,400 mm can be obtained. Air consumption is approx. 80 litres of pressure air per a pulse of 0.25 second.

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